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District of Innovation


What is a District of Innovation?

House Bill 1842 was passed in the 84th Legislative Session which gives traditional school districts most of the flexibilities available to the state's open-enrollment charter schools.  Any district with an academic performance rating of at least Academic Acceptable is eligible to become a District of Innovation.

The Districts of Innovation plan allows a local school district to pursue specific innovations in curriculum, instruction, governance, parent or community involvement, school calendar, budgeting, or other areas.  The innovation plan also allows a district the opportunity to seek exemptions from many Texas Education Code requirements resulting in more local control.  A district's plan must be posted online for a minimum of 30 days and the District Advisory Committee must approve it before it could go back to the Board for approval.

Some areas where Districts of Innovation can gain flexibility include school start and ending date, minimum minutes of instruction, class size ratio, and teacher certification. 

Districts of Innovation cannot be exempted from requirements including Boards of Trustees, PEIMS reporting, criminal history checks, curriculum and graduation requirements, bilingual education, special education, PreK programs, academic accountability including student assessments, financial accountability, open meetings, and public records rules, and purchasing regulations.

PNGISD Final DOI Plan 2022-2027 (Approved by the Board of Trustees on 2/14/22)

Proposed 2022-2027 PNGISD District of Innovation Plan (Posted on 10/19/2021)

District of Innovation Renewal Timeline

October 5, 2021

District-level personnel (Administrative Team) will review and update the current District of Innovation Plan

December 14, 2021 3:45 PM – PNG High School LGI

A public meeting will be held prior to the District Education Improvement Committee (DEIC) meeting to review the plan.

DEIC must pass the District of Innovation renewal plan by a majority vote.

December 15, 2021

The Port Neches Groves ISD District of Innovation Plan will be posted on the district website for 30 days.

The Commissioner of Education will be notified of the Board of Trustees’ intent to vote on renewing the Port Neches Groves ISD District of Innovation Plan.

February 14, 2022

PNGISD Board of Trustees will vote to approve the District of Innovation Plan.

The PNGISD Board of Trustees must approve the District of Innovation Plan by a 2/3 majority.

If approved:

The Commissioner of Education will be notified of the Board of Trustees’ approval of the renewal of the Port Neches Groves ISD District of Innovation Plan.

The local innovation website will be updated on the PNGISD webpage for the duration of the designation as an innovation district.

No later than the 15th day after the February 2022 board meeting, the district will provide a copy of the link to the current innovation plan to the Texas Education Agency for posting on the agency website.

For questions, comments, concerns, or feedback regarding the Proposed 2022-2027 DOI Plan contact Julie Gauthier, Deputy Superintendent by phone at 409-722-4244 Ext. 1725 or by email at
2018-2022 PNGISD DOI

DOI Board Resolution

DOI Advisory Committee Members

PN-GISD DOI Overview

PN-GISD DOI PowerPoint

District Timeline 

PN-GISD DOI Plan (Posted on 12/13/16 and Revised on 1/3/17)

PN-GISD Final DOI Plan (Approved by DOI Committee on 1/23/17 and Board of Trustees on 2/13/17)

PN-GISD District of Innovation Policy